Pizza/Beer Session November 17

Graph Database

Let’s talk Graph DB and GraphQL and enjoy good pizza and craft beers.

Welcome to the Propeller Dev meetup for Graph Databases. We agree with a lot of the industry that graph databases are the future of data storage. The ability to model connected data in an expressive way that’s also super fast to query is so compelling we’ve built our entire platform around it!

We’re hosting regular events at Loads in Amsterdam where we’ll be presenting and discussing collected experiences with talks and discussion sessions.



Practical applications for Graph Databases

Dive into how Propeller effectively utilized Graph DB technology to meet use cases relational DBs couldn’t meet.

GraphQL: The Next Federation

Federation is all about the Developer Experience when publishing many APIs.

Date and time

November 17 – We start at 5 PM


Loads Amsterdam
Ms. Tarnweg 10
1033 SK Amsterdam


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