microservices propeller


With microservices, Propeller offers you flexibility to the max.

What are microservices?

Microservices split monolithic applications into “bite-sized chunks” that perform smaller sets of functions. These services are more easily created, maintained and improved as they themselves have lower complexity and simpler structure.

  • Microservices allow Propeller to scale directly with your growth
  • With microservices, you can select the best tool for the job 
  • With microservices, you can more easily decide between build/buy/integrate
Table of contents

    Microservices allow Propeller to scale directly with your growth

    • Microservices support scaling out different parts of the product independently allowing for the actual growth and your increasing needs to drives the expansion.
    • If a group must walk at the pace of the slowest member, microservices split the members into more groups and let them all walk at their own paces.

    With microservices, you can select the best tool for the job

    • Where traditional applications need to be extended constantly in order to cater to the latest requirements or fulfill the needs of a new (set of) customers, microservices allow for new features/functionalities to be added as standalone services.
    • The technology can be selected with the only restriction that it must be able to communicate effectively with the rest of the application architecture.
    • This opens the possibility to use very specialized tools that are focused on achieving your goal more accurately and efficiently.

    With microservices, you can more easily decide between build/buy/integrate

    • With an existing and working pattern in the architecture to connect pieces together, a microservices product has the ability to easily swap out entire pieces of functionality with a better solution.
    • As a software provider, this gives the opportunity to utilize best of breed solutions throughout the landscape rather than being pushed into using the solutions that are compatible with a legacy platform.
    Customer story

    Digital transformation sales organization PCI

    PCI product
    PCI Nederland printer
    “Propeller is a partner who has helped us with the complete digitization of our sales and marketing organization. More than just e-commerce ”
    Read their story

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