How do Propeller’s Digital Sales Rooms work?

Apr 25th, 2022
Digital sales rooms by propeller
Table of contents

    Propeller has everything it takes to streamline all sales processes. Both for your customers and for your own sales department. The state-of-the-art cloud-based platform brings e-commerce and offline sales together, so that B2B organizations can realize more turnover, fewer errors occur in the quotation & order process and sustainable customer relationships are created.

    In Digital Sales Rooms, the seller and customer are brought into one digital space with all the necessary tooling to be able to close and handle orders as well as possible.

    Self-Service Portals and Sales Portals

    Propeller offers the tooling to set up an advanced Digital Sales Room for B2B organizations. On the customer side, there are B2B Self-Service Portals, in which customers can place orders in their own ‘my account’ environment and arrange everything digitally.

    For B2B organizations we have B2B Sales Portal
    , where sales professionals make quotations faster and easier and where the office and services department communicate quickly and clearly with the customer about the ordering process using integrated tools. This can be summarized in the diagram below:

    Sales portal

    With Propeller’s B2B Sales Portal:

    • Make quotations and configurations based on price agreements faster and easier with digital tools for sales and services departments;
    • Automate the entire sales process from campaign to quote with integrated tools for for example campaign management;
    • You never have to switch from one system to another: everything in one integrated platform;
    • You reduce the number of errors because information no longer has to be typed manually;
    • Let marketing and sales work together seamlessly because they know what everyone is doing.

    Get started right away with Digital Sales Rooms

    Setting up a Digital Sales Room is very easy with Propeller. Propeller comes out of the box with self-service portals for B2B Commerce. All you need to transform this into a Digital Sales Room is the Sales Portal.

    No separate complex and expensive system, no time-consuming development work by untraceable software developers. Purchase our solution, configure it and you are ready to optimally support your customers digitally.

    Step by step implementation

    The step-by-step plan for our solution for Digital Sales Rooms couldn’t be easier:

    1. Use our self-service portals in which you automatically show the customer customer-specific prices (whether or not retrieved directly from the ERP), as well as order statuses and order history
      Tip: If necessary, also add service activities in the self-service portals (such as scheduling a service technician or creating a service ticket)
    2. Add our Sales Portal B2B to let your sales and service employees automatically work with the right customer-specific prices and to be able to communicate directly with the customer via the self-service portal
      Tip: You can also add other communication tools, such as Zoom for online meetings and chat
    3. For optimal results, we integrate your systems like your ERP and CRM with our GraphQL APIs with Propeller, so that all price/stock and customer data are centrally available in Propeller and always up-to-date.

    Simple right? Stay ahead of your competition and start today with our Digital Sales Rooms solution.

    Digital Sales Rooms by Propeller

    Stand alone Sales Portal

    Are you just at the beginning of digitizing your sales process and are you still working with spreadsheets? No worries! You can also purchase our B2B Sales Portal standalone, without integration with other systems and customer portals.

    The Propeller Sales Portal is a great first step to slowly grow more towards online. You then add other elements later, such as an order portal, so that your customers can also order online.

    Keep in mind that links with your CRM and/or ERP system will improve your data insights and allow you to better serve your customers. So don’t wait too long with this!

    The Sales Portal from Propeller is therefore a handy digital extension for your offline sales. Do you want to know more?

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